Airborne Response DFR Offering Provides Public Safety Organizations with a Turnkey, Rapid Response Solution Including ...
An EU R&D giant has manufactured a prototype solid-state battery with a 1070 Wh/L energy density, nearly 25 percent higher ...
Israel’s defense minister has declared the start of a “new phase” of the war as Israel turns its focus toward the northern ...
保誠保險今日宣布,全新尊尚財富及保險策劃中心「誠軒」正式開幕。中心專門為保誠的高端客戶而設,並坐落於尖沙咀的核心地段,設有多間VIP貴賓會客室、可作舉辦講座之用的多用途空間,以及可俯瞰維港海景且寬敞偌大的休閒區,旨在為高端客戶打造一個尊尚優雅的舒適環境,提供全面的專屬服務。「誠軒」佔地逾5200平方呎。 保誠保險首席客務營運及健康保障業務總監歐陽佩玲表示:「有見高端客戶對更個人化的健康及財富保障服 ...
We recently compiled a list of the 20 Trending AI Stocks on Latest News and Analyst Ratings. In this article, we are going to ...
Over the last 7 days, the United Kingdom market has remained flat, but it is up 5.3% over the past year with earnings expected to grow by 14% per annum over the next few years. In this context, ...
Given that HelloFresh didn't make a profit in the last twelve months, we'll focus on revenue growth to form a quick view of its business development. Generally speaking, companies without profits are ...
滙豐研究發表報告指,香港地產行業基本面應該逐漸改善,減息週期開始有利樓市周期,認為首先會受融資成本下降所帶動,其後經營表現錄得改善,支持地產股的派息能力。該行看好領展 (0823.HK)、九龍倉置業 (1997.HK)及新地 (0016.HK),目標價分別為43.3元、29.4元及95.3元,皆予評級「買入」。 署理香港金融管理局總裁李達志見記者時表示,銀行存貸利率調整時間要視乎一系列因素,加上本 ...
Discover the significant developments and financial metrics from Nano Labs Ltd (NA)'s half-year 2024 earnings call.
Supermarket Income REIT PLC (LSE:SUPR) reports a 13% increase in net rental income and strategic growth in the UK and France.
內地帶貨平台「三隻羊」因為售賣「香港美誠月餅」被指質疑誤導消費者,甚至引來官媒點名事件,有政府亦已就事件作出調查 。根據內地媒體引述網友爆料,在香港上市的東方甄選(1797)被指曾經在2022年在其直播平台銷售一款「東方甄選流心月餅」,被揭發代工方為 ...