the team drew outlines of tumors based on empirical research and programmed ASTR to remove the tumor and exactly 5mm of healthy tissue using its combination of vacuum grasping and cutting.
The brain-on-chip was able to learn basic tasks, such as moving its limbs, avoiding obstacles and grasping objects ... by fitting the engineered skin tissue with skin-ligament structures.
Seaman's group investigated porcine gastric tissue apposition by evaluating T bar, T bar with mesh bolster, star and basket. Using interval endoscopy for intraluminal assessment and subsequent ...
The brain has become “one of the most plastic-polluted tissues yet sampled," said the study's lead author, Matthew Campen. "There’s much more plastic in our brains than I ever would have ...
"Thankfully our repeat assessment showed no other injuries to his lung tissue or airways." Using a combination of grasping forceps, the team were able to slowly pull the stick - which measured ...
In essence, the dye molecules reduce the degree to which light scatters in the skin tissue, like dissipating a fog bank. In their experiments with mice, the researchers rubbed the water and dye ...
These forceps, basically a type of surgical pincers, are based on a set that were so well-crafted they have been little improved upon in nearly two thousand years. Found at Pompeii and dating to 79 CE ...
Power: this poem refers to the power of paper to change things and to record our memories. 'this/ is what could alter things.' Even the most delicate kinds of paper can record the most important ...
Dave Sunday, the Republican candidate for attorney general (“AG”), has been running ads accusing the Democratic candidate, Eugene DePasquale, of being “unfit to serve” because DePasquale ...
In the final stages of the poem, the poet links the idea of a building being made from paper to human skin, using the words 'living tissue' and then 'your skin'. This is quite a complex idea ...