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On a circuit board, discrete components are intermingled with the chips, and there is hardly any electronic product that does not have at least a few discrete resistors or capacitors. See also ...
We can compare discrete and continuous data by looking at how water comes out of a tap. A dripping tap shows discrete data, because each individual drop can be counted. The data collected will ...
Although thousands of gates are routinely placed on a single chip, discrete logic chips with only one or two gates are also manufactured. These chips are used as "glue chips" between ASICs and ...
Graphs are a useful way to show numerical data. There are a variety of graphs that can help highlight patterns and be used to reach conclusions in geography. Choosing the right graph is very ...
The vast majority of bacteria live in sessile biofilms that colonize the channels, pores and crevices of confined structures. Flow in these structures carries the nutrients necessary for growth, but ...