In fact, we would not be here at all. To learn more about the atmosphere and its many layers, take a look at The Atmosphere, part of our "Balloon Race Around the World" Online Adventure.
The image to the left is from a camera attached to a high-altitude balloon. You can see the thin layer of our atmosphere that protects all life on Earth. The Earth's atmosphere is a thin sheet of air ...
In 1974, scientists first sounded the alarm about the destruction of the ozone layer caused by human activities. Yet it would ...
They are all gases. Three of them are found ... will look like in a million years? The Earth’s atmosphere is the relatively thin layer of gases surrounding the planet. The atmosphere is held ...
The ozone layer is a part of Earth’s atmosphere that captures some of the ... Ozone’s importance alone isn’t why it’s in the headlines all the time. If you’ve glanced at a newspaper ...
The Earth’s atmosphere has six layers ... In fact, if there was no ozone layer at all, we wouldn’t be able to live on Earth. To answer that, we only have to look at one of our closest ...
It may just be a thin layer of gas but it protects life on earth. The global attempt to repair it is one of the greatest ...
Ozone holes swirled over both poles all year long, and most ozone disappeared ... About 10% of the ozone in the atmosphere is found in the troposphere, the layer we live in; the rest is found in the ...
A lull in activity, despite predictions for a hyperactive season, has surprised and puzzled scientists who write seasonal ...
Extremely clean air on the ground, warm air intrusions and sulphate aerosol at high altitudes -- a research project has gained new insights into clouds in Antarctica.
Let’s look at how this agreement was critical in protecting the health of our planet and all its species, while also reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The ozone layer is a thin shield ...
A gaping hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica was ... "But from the data, all we just see are the ultimate releases to the atmosphere, we don't have any information on how that CFC-11 was ...